SEMANTICS: a cover term for those properties of a sentence that constitute
the temporal structure of the event denoted by the verb and its arguments. Not all
verbs have the same aspectual properties and so may belong to different
aspectual classes. The aspect of a sentence
is in many languages expressed syntactically and/or morpho-phonologically.
EXAMPLE: the opposition between the perfective (I have gone),
the imperfective (I went) and the progressive aspect (I am going)
in English. Also, it is considered a matter of aspect whether or not the event is
bounded (e.g. I ran out of the room) or unbounded (e.g. I ran).
LIT. | Dowty, D. (1979) Tenny, C. (1987) Verkuyl, H.J. (1993) Verkuyl, H.J. (1972) |