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Right Roof Constraint

SYNTAX: condition on rightward movement first formulated by Ross (1967:185):

(i)  In all rules whose structural index is of the form ... A Y, and 
     whose structural change specifies that A is to be adjoined to the 
     right of Y, A must command Y.
This condition captures the fact that rightward movement is upward bounded, as the following contrast (adapted from Ross 1967:166) shows. The PP cannot leave its clause:
(ii)   [That [a review ti ] came out yesterday [of this article]i ] 
       is catastrophic

(iii) *[That [a review ti ] came out yesterday] is catastrophic 
       [of this article]i 
The notion of 'command' in (i) is not as strict as c-command: it goes up to the first S. The name - Right Roof Constraint - is due to Soames & Perlmutter (1979).
LIT. Ross, J.R. (1967)
Soames, S. & D.M. Perlmutter (1979)