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Verb Raising

SYNTAX: Verb movement to V, which has been posited for infinitival verbs in German and Dutch. The hypothesis is that the verb of an infinitival complement, if the complement is not in extraposition, is moved and adjoined to its governing verb, thereby creating a verb-cluster. EXAMPLE: Dutch Verb Raising creates the structure in (i)b (assuming the SOV d-structure in (i)a).

(i) a  dat Jan [VP [VP hard werken1] willen2] heeft

       that Jan hard work  want-to has

    b  dat Jan [VP [VP hard t1] t2] heeft willen2 werken1

       'that Jan has wanted to work hard'

As shown, the linear order of verbs in d-structure is reversed in s-structure (or PF) (in Dutch but not in German). A characteristic anomaly of the resulting verb cluster in (i)b is the IPP phenomenon: we find what looks like the infinitival willen instead of the participle gewild. It is a point of ongoing debate whether verb raising is actual movement or that verb clusters are base-generated.
LIT. Bierwisch, M. (1990)
Evers, A. (1975)
Kerstens,J.G. (1993)
Rutten, J. (1991)