PHONOLOGY: a property of a sound segment. Segments can be
considered to be composed of more elementary characteristics, i.e. a
finite set of features with (preferably) a phonetic correlate. Distinctive
features are used to explain that phonological rules apply to
natural classes of sounds,
i.e. sounds which share certain (phonetic) properties. Features are
introduced in phonological theory by Trubetzkoy and Jacobson ('the Prague
School'); Chomsky & Halle (1968) (SPE) proposed a major revision of the
theory of distinctive features. In SPE, features are considered to be binary,
i.e. a feature has two values + (present) or - (absent). For instance, [p]
is (among other things) [ -voiced] and
[ -nasal] while [m] is [+voiced] and
[+nasal]. After SPE different feature inventories have been proposed.
Some features have been replaced with structure (for instance
[stress] and
[syllabic]). Furthermore, the binarity
of features is under debate: multi-valued features and single-valued or unary
features have been proposed. The development of feature geometry (cf. Clements
1985), in which natural classes are represented by hierarchical structure as
well as by features themselves has been a major revision of the theory
proposed by Chomsky & Halle (1968). For a detailed summary of various
segmental features and their current status, see
Keating (1988) and
references cited there.
SYNTAX: the syntactic features encompass lexical and grammatical
features. The lexical features ±N and ±V define the four lexical categories (N=[+N,-V]; V=[-N,+V]; A=[+N,+V]; P=[-N,-V]). See
X-bar theory. Among the grammatical features we find features for person, number and gender (Phi-features); the
verbal features ±past, ±tense; and the binding features ±anaphoric and ±pronominal introduced in Chomsky (1981).
LIT. | Chomsky, N. (1981) Chomsky, N. and M. Halle (1968) Clements,G.N. (1985) Jacobson, Fant & Halle (1963) Kerstens,J.G. (1993) Muysken & Van Riemsdijk (1986) Sagey, E.L. (1986) |