SYNTAX: the process which plays a role in deriving
S-structure from
D-structure and
LF from S-structure by the reordering of
constituents. We say that an element at S-structure has been moved if there
is a certain relationship between the element and an empty position elsewhere
in the structure.
EXAMPLE: in the question Who did he see, we interpret who
as the direct object of see. This is explained if who is
generated in the direct object position at D-structure (to the right of
see) and has been moved to the first position in S-structure. This is
a case of overt movement because the effect of movement is visible at
PF. When movement is involved in the derivation of
LF, we speak of hidden or covert movement: the effect is invisible at the level of
PF. Thus in a multiple question like
Who saw what, the second wh-phrase what is covertly
moved to sentence initial position in the derivation of LF (see
LIT. | Chomsky, N. (1993) Chomsky, N. (1986b) Chomsky, N. (1973) Chomsky, N. (1965) |