SEMANTICS: Frege introduced the distinction between sense (German: Sinn)
and reference (German: Bedeutung). The reference of an expression is the entity
or set of entities which that expression denotes. The sense of an expression
relates to properties of the (mental) representation of the expression. For
example, the reference of the president of the USA is George Bush in
December 1992, but Bill Clinton in February 1993. The sense of the phrase, however,
is the same in both cases. Reference and sense are often equated with
extension and
LIT. | Gamut, L.T.F. (1991) |
SYNTAX: referential NPs are assumed to be referential due to their reference. This reference is usually conceived of as a function which associates the NP with some entity or entities in a mental domain of interpretation. The reference of an NP is indicated by a referential index (e.g. Johni ).
LIT. | Chomsky, N. (1986a) Chomsky, N. (1981) |