that-trace effect
SYNTAX: the phenomenon that the complementizer (that) cannot be followed by a trace (except in relative clauses) in some languages (e.g. English). Thus, in languages showing the that-t(race) effect, a subject cannot be extracted when it follows that. This is shown by the contrast in (i) and (ii).
(i) who did you think [CP t' [C' e [IP t would win ]]] (ii) *who did you think [CP t' [C' that [IP t would win ]]]As noted, the that-t effect is not a universal phenomenon. It is absent in e.g. Dutch, as shown by the fact that the Dutch translation of (ii) is grammatical:
(iii) wie denk je [CP t' [C' dat [IP t gewonnen heeft ]]]
LIT. | Chomsky, N. (1986b) Chomsky, N. (1981) Chomsky, N. & H. Lasnik (1977) Kayne, R. (1984) Perlmutter, D. (1971) Pesetsky, D. (1982) Taraldsen, T. (1978) |