GENERAL: That part of an utterance about which something is said (the comment; see below). Usually, the topic is given in the discourse, the comment is new information about it. One test for determining the topic of a sentence A is by formulating a question Q to which A might be the answer. The topic should then be the information common to both Q and A.
Q: What about Mary?
A: John is taking care of her
In this context her ('Mary') is the topic of sentence A.
LIT. | Reinhart, T. (1981) |
SYNTAX: it is assumed that the topic may, or, in certain languages, must be placed at the beginning of the sentence. In some languages, the topic may also be provided with a specific morphological marking. EXAMPLE: consider the following data from Japanese:
(i) a Taroo-wa kaeru-o koros-i-ta Taroo-TOP frog-OBJ killed 'Taroo killed the frog' b Kaeru-wa Taroo-ga koros-i-ta frog-TOP taroo-SUBJ killed 'The frog Taroo killed'In (i)a the subject Taroo is marked for TOPIC by wa; in (i)b Taroo is marked for SUBJECT by ga.
SEMANTICS: Topic-comment-distinction
LIT. | Kuno, S. (1973) Kuroda, S-Y. (1965) |