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MORPHOLOGY: words are morphological objects which may but need not be the output of processes of affixation and compounding.
LIT. Aronoff, M. (1976)
Di Sciullo, A. M. and E. Williams (1987)
Sapir, E. (1921)
Selkirk, E. O. (1982a)
Spencer, A. (1991)

SYNTAX: words are generally considered atomic elements: they are the indivisible building blocks of syntax, which may be the input but not the output of syntactic processes, their parts presumably being inaccessible for syntactic rules. See lexical integrity.

PHONOLOGY: words are phonological objects which consitute the domain for lexical phonological rules. It is particularly striking that these three uses of the notion 'word' are not co-extensive. EXAMPLE: a group consisting of a free morpheme and a clitic may function as a phonological word, although morphologically it is a clitic group consisting of a morphological word and a clitic.