Semantic representation
SEMANTICS: an abstract (formal) language in which meanings can be
represented. Opinions differ about whether semantic representation is sufficient
or necessary, about its form and about how it relates to syntactic representations.
Mentalistic, representational theories of meaning claim that a mental semantic
representation is necessary to account for the fact that language users grasp
meanings. Denotational theories of meaning, on the other hand, claim that meaning
can only be explicated in terms of denotations in the world. Semantic representation
can take the form of a structure of semantic features (in the
Katz-Fodor-semantics and in
Jackendoff's conceptual structure)
or formulas of a logical system. In the theory of
Generative semantics, semantic
representations were identified with syntactic deep structures. In almost all other
theories, semantic representations are an autonomous level of representation related
to deep structure, surface structure and/or LF. See
meaning theories.
LIT. | Chierchia and McConnell-Ginet (1990) Jackendoff, R. (1983) |