VP Raising
SYNTAX: movement of an infinitival VP to the right of its governing verb. This syntactic operation occurs in many German and Dutch (Flemish) dialects. EXAMPLE: in Flemish, VP raising results in the structure in (i)b, given the d-structure in (i)a.
(i) a da Jan [VP Marie nen boek geven] wilt] that Jan Marie a book give wants 'that Jan wants to give Marie a book' b da Jan ti wilt [VP Marie nen boek geven]iVP Raising is distinguished from extraposition, because it is triggered by verbs that also trigger Verb Raising, and because it induces IPP.
LIT. | Besten, H. den & J. Edmonson (1983) Haegeman, L. (1988) Haegeman, L. & H. v.Riemsdijk (1986) |